pictures by Philippe Vogelenzang

Antonin is a director, choreographer, and visual artist with a passion for dance, cinema, photography and fashion. Born in Angers in 1994, Antonin studied at Ballet Junior of Geneva, where he performed works by choreographers such as Roy Assaf, Marina Mascarell, Alexander Ekman, Hofesh Shechter, Ioannis Mandafounis, Crystal Pite, and Mats Ek. As a freelancer, he collaborated with Olivier Dubois, Sasha Waltz & Guests, Michael-Keegan Dolan, Theo Clinkard, and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui.


Antonin's work as a stage director and choreographer stands at the intersection of dance, visual arts, and cinema, merging realism with surrealism to create immersive experiences that resonate on multiple sensory and emotional levels. His work reflects contemporary culture, blending philosophy and imagination to craft narratives that resonate intimately and universally, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.


Antonin's debut solo piece about loneliness, ‘Ohboy!’ created during the Eastman Summer Intensive 2017, marked a milestone in his career. The adaptation of the piece into a short film received several awards at international film festivals. Since 2018, Antonin has been a house choreographer at Korzo Theater in Den Haag, supported by NDT and Holland Dance Festival. His works there include “The Others” and “Finally a Sign of Life.” In 2021, he created “Huidhonger” for Conny Janssen Danst and “Glitter” his first full-evening performance, which premiered as a livestream during Covid-19. In the fall of 2022, Antonin premiered "Ohgirl!" an intimate solo piece exploring anxiety, co-produced by NDT, and toured the Netherlands and also performed at Le Festival Le Temps d’Aimer in Biarritz, France. In January 2024, "Glitter" returned to the stage, supported by Korzo Theater and Holland Dance Festival, for a tour across the Netherlands. He is currently working on a new duet titled "We are doing great" a collaboration with Emilie Leriche for Fall 2024 at Korzo Theater a co-production supported by the Mart foundation, CCN of Créteil and Orsolina28.


Antonin's love for cinema profoundly influences his work. He is known for translating his dance pieces into short movies like "Finally a Sign of life” and “The Research Project - The Leftovers” both selected to be screened during Cinedans and Dance Days Chania.


In addition to this artistic endeavors, Antonin is actively involved in the development of educational programs by teaching and choreographing for schools. He always aims to create a healthy and inspiring environment in order to help young dancers to unfold their skills. His workshops have a pedestrian approach to the dance theater through somatic movement research. He often incorporates breathing exercises, yoga and meditation, all of which are designed to support mental clarity in order to connect with the physical body. Since a few years, Antonin collaborates with schools and junior ballets and his works have been introduced internationally at Juilliard (New York), Codarts (Rotterdam), ZHDK (Zurich), Fontys (Tilburg), Sead (Salzburg), Young Talent Project / NDT & Koninklijke Conservatorium (The Hague), Dart (Berlin), Acts (Paris), Iwanson International (Munich) and also Adda (Barcelona). In addition to that, Antonin works yearly in collaboration with the B12 Festival in Berlin.


Antonin is now based in Paris where he founded "Funny People" a platform for collaboration curated and directed by himself.