Director and Adaptation: Antonin Rioche
Producer : Korzo
Dancers: Rosanne Briens & Antonin Rioche
D.O.P: Alex Avgud
Assistant drone: Hein Budding
Set Coordinator: Loes Schakenbos
Editor and Colorist: Ennya Larmit
Fashion designer: Jan-Jan Van Essche
Song by Finn Ronsdorf
with the voice of Lisa Harres
Finally a sign of life
reflects the days where the sun didn’t rise inside us.
It was so dark that the mornings felt the same as the evenings.
The light never came home, everything remained the same,
the only light we had was the light inside us.
Our soul had to disconnect from our body, in order to carry on.
A journey to find courage to embrace moments of darkness.
Dancing within the duality forever, again, and again.