picture: Salih Kilic / Conny Janssen Danst


To speak about this piece, I should probably start by the end. When the boy is alone and left behind in front of the spectator. Oscar Wilde said that we destroy the thing we love the most and it's often true. Love arrives exactly when love is supposed to and love leaves exactly when love must. I wonder where it is going. This piece speaks about love, its beauty and its cruelty.



Adi Amit

Martijn Kappers

Mariko Shimoda


costume: Clifford Portier

voice and sound-design: Lisa Harres

text: Antonin Rioche

music : Celer - Vamps / Nocturne op9 n2 - Chopin / Claire de lune - Debussy

light-concept : Loes Schakenbos in collaboration with Antonin Rioche

light realization : Marcel Slagter

















More info & tickets: www.connyjanssendanst.nl


Sep 17-27th - House Conny Janssen Danst, Rotterdam

Oct 6&7th - Toneelschuur & Filmschuur, Haarlem

Oct 9-11th - Theater, Rotterdam

Oct 14&15th - Stadsschouwburg, Utrecht

Oct 16&17th - Korzo, The Hague

Oct 29&30th - Verkadefabriek, Den Bosch

Nov 6&7th - Theater Bellevue, Amsterdam



"Kicking things off is Antonin Rioche (nominated by Korzo) with Huidhonger (a hunkering for physical contact). Two people are lying in a fetal position on the floor; a dark silhouette is standing in front. The lights switch on and off, and on and off again. Only when the lights go on for the third time the silhouette gets more textured: dancer Adi Amit is dressed head to toe in a lilac latex ensemble, the lower part of her face obscured by a gas mask, although Amit’s expressive eyes remain visible. Her body starts moving, expertly conveying the message of a voice-over that can be heard over the speakers. It is a message about the complex nature of love, with the Man (Martijn Kappers) and the Woman (Mariko Shimoda) as prime examples. We watch their love story unfold. From the first furtive glances, and tentative advances; the movements getting broader and more pronounced when the love deepens; until the inevitable ending, when one of them – literally – falls out of love, and what is meant as a loving embrace by one is felt as a choke hold by the other.


Huidhonger is the most straightforward of the three pieces – even taking a post-apocalyptic lilac dominatrix into account - "


